Candidate checklist 2024

Ask your candidate 2024

On June 7th, we will head to the polls to elect politicians representing us locally and in Europe. We’ve created a comprehensive checklist to help you ask election candidates the tough questions about sex workers’ rights. Your voice matters in advocating for fair and humane policies. It’s time to hold candidates accountable and ensure they […]

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End Violence Against Sex Workers written on a piece of cloth, with a drawing of a red umbrella over it

1 year on, Irish state and Gardaí don’t care about the murder of a sex worker

Anniversary of Geila Ibram’s Murder Highlights Continued Neglect of Sex Workers’ Safety by Irish Government As we approach the first anniversary of the tragic murder of Geila Ibram, a sex worker in Limerick, the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI) berates the Gardaí for continued lack of contact, while violent offenders prey on this community. Linda […]

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Press release in speech bubble

Farcical review of sex work law being conducted by Dept of Justice

SWAI wholeheartedly condemn the Department of Justice’s Handling of Sex Work Laws Review The Sex Workers Alliance of Ireland (SWAI) expresses deep disappointment and frustration regarding the Minister for Justice’s written answer to the parliamentary question put forth by Catherine Connolly on the 22nd February. This follows the Minister’s refusal to engage with SWAI on […]

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Supporters of the Nordic model have Blood on their hands on a banner

Supporters of the Nordic Model have blood on their hands

International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers closes out a brutal and deadly year for sex workers in Ireland.  Mardi Kennedy, coordinator of the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI) says “This year has been devastating for Irish sex workers, marked by a murder in Limerick, raids disguised as welfare checks and an ongoing campaign […]

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SWAI x A4 Sounds  | SWAI Banner Making and Screenprinting Session

(ahead of International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers) 6TH DEC 2023 | 4pm – 7pm | A4 SOUNDS GALLERY Ahead of International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers the Sex Workers Alliance of Ireland are holding a banner-making and screenprinting event in A4 Sounds. This year we are organising this event to […]

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Megaphone saying Press relelase

Press Release: Threats of murder to sex workers have been normalised

This week a phishing scam from someone pretending to be a major advertising site contacted non-national sex workers who are currently advertising. Later in the week, these texts escalated into extreme threats of violence, including threats of murder.  Separately a man with an Irish accent has been calling sex workers, harassing them with threats of […]

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Megaphone saying Press relelase

Minister’s refusal to meet is a slap in the face of a community already hurt

The Sex Workers Alliance of Ireland (SWAI) is deeply disappointed and frustrated with the Minister for Justice’s refusal to meet with them to discuss Part 4 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) 2017 report. Linda Kavanagh, spokesperson for SWAI says “Sex workers are the primary stakeholders in this review. SWAI’s role in Irish society is […]

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Press release in speech bubble

Review of law needs to be scrapped and started again

Today the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI) learned that the long overdue review of the sex work laws in Ireland has hit another stumbling block, as the independent reviewer heading up the report has stepped back. Linda Kavanagh, comms manager of SWAI said “ As usual, there was no contact made with SWAI and other […]

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Sex Worker Awareness Training

The Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI) are delighted to announce our new Sex Worker Awareness Training, available in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Developed by sex workers, this training will enhance participants’ knowledge including: This training is appropriate for organisations and groups either working with sex workers or those who are wanting to […]

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Press release in speech bubble

Sex workers failed by law AGAIN

When will the state own up to the fact that the law has failed and decriminalise sex work in Ireland? Mardi Kennedy, coordinator of the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI) commented on today’s guilty verdict of a man who assaulted two migrant sex workers in 2020 “The case today shows that the current sex work […]

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Inernational Sex Workers Rights Day

International Sex Workers Rights Day

Mardi, our coordinator writes about her experience in India where she met the founders of International Sex Workers’ Rights day. The Durbar Mahila Samawaya Committee (DMSC) founded the day in 2021.  “When I visited DMSC in Kolkata, India, I was awestruck and inspired by the successful outcomes of community organising by sex workers. I was […]

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Press release: Irish government is complicit in violence against sex workers

“Today is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, and since we marked this day last year there has been a notable shift in attitudes against sex workers in Ireland,” says Mardi Kennedy, coordinator of the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI).  “The tide is turning against sex workers, and it is alarming to see”, […]

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Reclaim the Night Speech 2022

Thank you for inviting Sex Workers Alliance Ireland to speak. A special hello to the sex workers amongst us tonight. When was the last time you heard someone respectfully use the words “sex worker” in your workplace? Have you ever heard a joke made at a sex worker’s expense? Have you ever seen a movie […]

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Research Policy

SWAI Research Engagement Policy

SWAI is frequently contacted by academics, organisations, and individual researchers within and outside of Ireland to support their research by identifying participants, promoting research, facilitating peer interviews, and participating in advisory panels.  We are aware of the sex worker community being over-researched by non-peers without outcomes that improve sex workers’ lives. SWAI is concerned about […]

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