Education and Training

Many people in the sex industry use the flexibility of their working hours to study part-time or full-time to gain new skills and qualifications. People study so they can have more job opportunities and move into other work.

In Ireland there are many different places to study and take courses; Universities, Institutes of Technology, Further Education Colleges, Private Colleges and English Language Schools.

The cost and fees for courses depend on if it’s a public or private college and on your nationality, immigration and residency status:

Many people prefer to study part-time while they are escorting so they can gain new skills and qualification and still have an income to pay the rent and bills.

Many private colleges do part-time evening courses.

If you are unemployed, a single parent, or have a disability and receive Social Welfare payments you may be able to access funded education opportunities such as SpringBoard

For more information check out the links below or contact SWAI at or on 085 824 9305

Further Information

Qualifax – a database of all courses in Ireland

General information about accessing Further Education and Training Courses

General information about accessing Third Level Education

Information about Back to Education Allowance for people on Social Welfare payments

Information about SpringBoard courses for people who are unemployed