Joint Press Release

Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI) and other sex workers’ rights advocates have welcomed the new research published today by Lynzi Armstrong, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand that finds that criminalisation harms sex workers in Ireland. This research shows that sex workers in Ireland have been ignored about the harms of the law and that, among the countries participating, sex workers in Ireland felt more stigmatised than in other countries.

Linda Kavanagh from SWAI said “The pending review of Part 4 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences Act) 2017 must call for the full decriminalisation of sex work and recognise the harms of the current law. Anything less will prove to us, once and for all, that this review process is a farce.”

Prof Armstrong’s new research highlights the mental health impacts that sex workers in Ireland face, compared to other jurisdictions. It echoes previous research that sex workers are not listened to and that client criminalisation exacerbates risks facing vulnerable sex workers.. 

The review of the law affecting the safety of sex workers in Ireland is expected to be released in the coming weeks. Throughout this review process, and despite multiple requests, there has been a lack of transparency and meaningful consultation with sex workers.

“This review must provide proof that sex workers were listened to about their health and safety under this law. There is a mountain of evidence from sex workers themselves that violence and fear have increased under the law, and trust in Gardaí has fallen. By forcing sex workers to work alone, the state is forcing them into harm’s way. Working safely and working legally are now incompatible, under the law” said Linda Kavanagh.

Molly from Street Workers Collective Ireland says “This report adds to the record of sex workers’ experiences that demonstrate that the 2017 law is harmful, and that the damaging impacts of it are felt more acutely by the sex workers who are struggling the most – precisely those this law maintains to want to protect. Many sex workers continue to face poverty, precarious migration status, housing insecurity and homelessness and are now left to work in even more dangerous and challenging circumstances than before. The law provides no remedy to the real issues sex workers face. It only increases the risks. If the review is an honest evaluation of the safety of sex workers in Ireland, then it should be recommending decriminalisation. The way in which it was conducted however means that we can have no confidence that the needs of sex workers will be taken into account – we weren’t consulted in the first place, and the corollaries of this are clearly visible in the current legislation.”

Lucy Smyth from Ugly Mugs said “The 2017 Act has broken the already damaged relationship between people in sex work and an Garda Síochána. I am deeply concerned at the shocking levels of abuse and violence I am now seeing directed at the sex work community on a daily basis and the lack of any appropriate response to this by the State. This Review must urgently address this issue but I am very worried that it will not.”

Gillian Wylie, Trinity College Dublin, and board member of the Irish Sex Work Research Network (ISWRN) stated “We welcome Prof Armstrong’s new report that reflects the findings of our member’s research. The ISWRN is a sex work research network whose board includes academics from major universities across Ireland. The ISWRN reached out to the Department of Justice to try to engage with this review process and is disappointed that the Department of Justice declined to do so. The ISWRN is disappointed the Department of Justice has so far failed to take on board the significant body of evidence based on our respective research and analysis of sex work and prostitution policy in Ireland over twenty years, spanning the period before and after legislative change in 2017.”

Stephen Bowen, Executive Director of Amnesty Ireland said “Amnesty’s research in Ireland too has found that effectively criminalising sex workers is causing them serious harm. This new piece of work is an important addition to the growing body of independent expert research on Ireland’s 2017 law, and where people engaging in sex work are included. There is no credible evidence or basis to suggest this law is in any way helping sex workers access justice, support, or exit routes should they want.” 

“Regrettably, this review report is being drafted by the Department that created this law, so we fear it will recommend retention. Obviously, we hope our concerns will prove unfounded. We make a final appeal to the Minister for Justice to do the right thing, and recommend decriminalisation and provision of actual supports for sex workers. Otherwise, the report must be withdrawn and the review recommenced, not as some legal formality but because sex workers’ safety and lives are at stake.”


“In an ideal world, it would be fully decriminalised”: Stigma, discrimination, and sex work laws in Scotland, Aotearoa New Zealand, and the Republic of Ireland.

Links to Amnesty Ireland’s research and testimonials from sex workers

Sex workers lives under the law HIV Ireland research

Report published on impact of sex purchase offence in Northern Ireland,its%20operation%20after%20three%20years.

HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention Community Engagement for Suicide Prevention: Exploring Sex Worker Experiences in Ireland

艾米莉非常亲切地提出在5月主办我们的第一个贝尔法斯特咖啡聚会, 并且我们在7月刚刚有第二个。我们不仅得到了咖啡, 茶或南瓜的选择, 而且艾米莉为新鲜出炉的蛋糕而死, 这完全毁了我的饮食, 因为他们是如此 morish!谁认为护送没有其他的才能, 真的没有线索!

地点非常隐蔽, 很容易找到。它有足够的空间, 希望我们将能够提供更多的茶和咖啡在未来, 可能一些整体和治疗服务, 再次利用性工作者的人才参加。第一次会议与大多数当地的性工作者出现了很大的转折。请放心, 这是所有匿名, 没有人说他们是谁, 他们在哪里工作等。我们在那里互相支持, 聊着任何我们看中的东西。它不必须是工作相关的。然而, 在这一场合, 我们都对即将进行的法律改革以及它如何可能影响我们的安全和改变我们的工作方式感到关切。我们也很高兴看到我们的工作方式不同, 并给出了一般的技巧和想法。对我来说, 这是可爱的, 以满足其他当地女孩在该地区工作, 并知道我并不孤单。作为一个独立的性工作者的问题之一, 是不鼓励你一起工作, 往往有一种感觉, 这是更好地保持自己对自己和保持你的鼻子在地上, 但在这样做, 你也隔离自己, 而不是一个总是做的事情最好的方式, 因为你必须解决它, 你去。只是听这些其他的女士确认我在哪里向右, 并给了我的思想在我的工作领域, 我一直在寻找改变的食物。它让我有信心做出这些改变, 看看他们是如何工作的。这也提醒了我, 有时候为一个人工作是行不通的, 所以如果事情需要改变, 就不要担心。另一件事, 我喜欢, 并感到放心的是我们之间的纯粹品种。我们都来自完全不同的背景, 都以不同的方式工作。出于某种原因, 人们似乎认为所有性工作者都来自同一个模子, 而事实并非如此。甚至似乎我们的客户也常常有不同的情况。这可能是有很多原因的, 但即使是一天中我们工作的时间也会产生深远的影响。它真的让你怀疑这种立体声类型给性工作者, 只是如何非常脱离接触的媒体, 而不是由于无知, 但因为他们拼命想保持这种立体声类型。据我所知, BBC 采访了至少三人在这个咖啡上午出席, 我们没有人符合这一形象, 但他们仍然使用它, 不他们操纵, 以使用它, 我记得一个采访劳拉李给了她的照片由城市霍尔声称, 她是 ' 寻找业务 ', 她显然不是, 因为她不是一个户外工作者, 并为采访拍照。难道现在不是他们展示现实并停止鞭打一匹死马的时候吗?我相信我们的下次会议将在秋季, 我真的很期待。这是一个独特的机会, 以满足人们知道和了解如何孤立这项工作可以和一个机会, 分享我们的经验, 或只是谈论鱼的价格。如果有人阅读这是考虑参加, 请务必取得联系, 并详细的下一次会议将给你更接近时间。凯特


SWAI 4 至 2015 年 6 月 6 日参加了会议,与会者包括性工作者和来自 8 个欧洲国家的支持。由 ICRSE 主办的事件举行 40 周年纪念活动的里昂抗议性工作者被占领 Église 圣 Nizier 要求他们的权利,最终警察的骚扰。这一事件,被视为现代欧洲性工作者运动的开始现在标识每年由国际性别的工人一天庆祝在 6 月 2 日。


* 我们希望完全合法化

* 我们的客户的没有犯罪倾向

* 劳工权利作为给定与其他工人

* 权利在一个安全的环境中工作

* 结束警察的骚扰

* 对给予充分的机构,可为自己说话

40 年以来里昂抗议性工作者有变得更有条理,形成群体、集体和工会。尽管这然而我们仍然面临太多的歧视、羞辱和缺乏支持。


在荷兰和德国的性工作者面对压制性立法和过度监管。在阿姆斯特丹 100s年的性工作者和他们的支持者已经走上街头抗议关闭 windows 在红灯区反对工人的意愿和剥夺了他们的安全的工作场所。


在挪威性别工人根据贴切命名的"操作无家可归",由警方踢出了自己的家园。他们也面临着更多的暴力,包括来自欧洲经济区的移民性工作者面临强迫驱逐出境。SWAI 自豪地与我们在巴黎的同事们站在一起, 用一个声音说话:

我们希望结束耻辱, 结束刑事, 并尊重我们的人权和劳工权利。




今年第一次 SWAI 参加了五一劳动节游行在都柏林。




爱尔兰的工会运动是 TORL 的早期成员。从电工到护士的各个工会所有反对性工作者的权利。

的确爱尔兰 (爱尔兰工会代表大会) 提交一份文件,法官说卖淫事务处谘询


这一行与爱尔兰否认 100 的性工作者,组织并有相同的权利和利益为赢取和欣赏的其他工人的权利。


事实上爱尔兰的一个成员在 1998 年发表一份报告,国际劳工组织称为"性别部门: 经济和社会基础的卖淫在东南亚洲"




在 2002年红丝线荷兰娼妓的权利组形成一个联盟和成为 FNV 联盟,成员

在新西兰团结联盟开始,以便使它们能够像所有其他工人需求权利在 2004 年举办性工作者。





二月四日 SWAI 发起到包装出宾馆的房间里 Buswells 是久的纸"意识性工人的权利"。该文件是一项涉及 SWAI 协作项目。性工作者、学者、法律专家和卫生保健提供者。它的目的是提出辩论性工作在爱尔兰和解决人权问题,保护性工作者,寻求一种基于减少伤害和社会正义而不是犯罪。



调查表明,98%的北爱尔兰的基础性工作者贝尔法斯特皇后大学在 2014 年进行反对将购买性服务,类似的调查,在法国完成,同年呈性工作者对这种法律也有同等数目。


性工作者说,该论文的共同作者卡特里奥娜 · 奥布莱恩



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